The war in heaven has raged since the beginning of time. It was the incident that started the longest ongoing conflict of all time. The day that archangel Michael struck down Lucifer, who was subsequently reborn as Satan. It is, by all accounts, the most primordial of wars that only reached its conclusion today. The details of this almost biblical series of events might surprise you.
As the story goes, god almighty created one angel who was particularly jealous and vain in equal measure. Thus the vainglorious son of god led an ill-fated rebellion that ultimately ended in failure and banishment. That is actually one of several ways that the war in heaven played out on hundreds of levels of existence.
Each level had a supposedly almighty god with one or two favored sons. There were times when the devil was indeed the jealous Lucifer, that sometimes lost to the “Michael” of that level the first time. More often than not, the devil was a beastly Satan to begin with. The myth of the particularly powerful archangel who kills the devil was something of an exaggeration until very recently.
The true hero of the war in heaven was actually the Archon. It is a title that means angelic lord, and for good reason. The Archon is an archangel in essence, except with regal armor that can be either dark blue and silver or entirely golden. He is also known as the captain of the angelic guard. That is a rank that required the vanquishing of no less than two hundred devils in single combat. Just to keep things in perspective, no one else has killed even one.
Michael is actually an angelic title that means “angelic god”. It is but one of several titles held by the Archon. As the title of Archon indicates, the real Michael was not a servant but rather the angelic lord of his own high heavens, of which there are currently three. The so called captain of the heavenly host from the bible was actually several different beings on as many different levels of existence where the same conflict took place shortly after the beginning of time.
An important thing to note is that the only time Lucifer actually lost to “Michael” back then was when the conflict was about a rebellious son. And even then, the Satan of the story always won the rematch and went on to kill his father. The Archon had his own heavenly fiefdoms and thus had his own faction during the recent war in heaven. Each time the devil killed god, he was in turn killed by the real Michael. In other words, the Archon had to fight hundreds of devils on as many levels of existence and won every single time.
At its very core, the conflict was about good versus evil. The only reason that good won the war was because of the intervention of the Archon. That is literally the only reason why the high heavens will survive the end of time. The conclusion of the war in heaven indicates that the end of time is nigh. Ultimately, eternal heaven is a place that must be fought for and won. A loss to the devils would have meant eternal damnation for everyone in the high heavens. Fortunately, that just isn’t how the story played out. Such is the way of the Archon.